In order to achieve the best, our goal is to always look forward, constantly improve and renew ourselves.

BH'Inşaat, which was founded by two architects with more than eighteen years of construction experience and knowledge, has carried the construction standards to a very advanced level with the projects it has realized. Within the framework of the quality policy it has adopted, it follows the most advanced technology in construction and contracting works, works with regular and qualified staff and provides the best service based on customer satisfaction. BH İnşaat was founded by Architect Ömer Faruk Hatipoğlu and Architect Emre Başçınar. Ömer F. Hatipoğlu has managed many international projects and served as a contractor with over 25 years of construction site and construction experience. Emre Başçınar, on the other hand, has worked on construction projects management, real estate investment projects development and financial management of constructions, and has become one of the sought-after names in the sector. These two architects, working in different areas of the sector, merged their companies and established BH'Insaat. In this short period of time, they enlarged the company and strengthened its structure in financial and job completion issues. BH'Inşaat aims to become an indispensable company in the sector in the coming years by renewing its construction equipment in parallel with technological developments and constantly raising its own standards. Diversifying its investments in the construction sector, the company established BH'Klima, which operates in the ventilation and air conditioning sector, and supplies and sells the products demanded by the contracting companies serving in the field of mechanical ventilation.
The goal is to reach the best by always looking forward and constantly improving.
With the awareness that each piece of art brought to the society is one of the greatest values offered to humanity and life, we strive to make life meaningful at the points where our thoughts meet by advancing with art and artists in all our projects we create on the way to the future.
BH Construction was established in by Ömer Faruk Hatipoğlu (Arch.) and Emre Başçınar (M.Arch). Omer Faruk Hatipoğlu has over 25 years experience in site management and organization, and has contracted in international projects. Emre Başçınar is specialized in project management, real estate investment development and finance management. These two architects combined their companies specialized in different subjects. BH Construction has grown rapidly during this short time. it aims to be an innovative company that is indispensable for the future; renewing their construction equipment in line with technological developments and constantly raising their standards.“BH Klima” began operations in 2014 as a division of BH Construction, in order to meet the needs of the sector and to serve in the fields of mechanical commitment, device sales and marketing.
As we build the future, we do not compromise on honesty.
Those who adopt change continue to produce bigger, better, faster and stronger products every day. We can help you build the future based on your past experience and give some big companies a competitive advantage with our integrated supply solutions.
Control System
Designed with the highest local certifications and high security standards
%100 Memnuniyet
Our building projects have an impressive list of our long-term clients.
Professional Staff
It involves unknown risks and tough regulations.

News From Us
- 22 March 2023
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BH KLİMA YORK Bought Air Conditioner Dealership.
- 22 March 2023
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We signed a dealership contract with Polisan
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You can ask us what you are wondering about urban transformation and get consultancy support.
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